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Advocacy Focus:  

FOTA's Annual Hill Day is open to everyone - members and non-members, students and practitioners - interested in meeting our team at the state capital in Tallahassee and raising their voice in support of their profession. Occupational therapy advocates can register to attend FOTA's Hill Day. Registration is required to attend Hill Day, and a great way for us to keep in touch with you about event details. Registration is not limited to FOTA members, however, your FOTA membership ensures advocacy opportunities and activities are available in support of occupational therapy. 
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

Sign up for Hill Day 2025


Historic Victory for OTs: Medicaid Rate Increase Secured!

We are thrilled to share a major success for the Florida Occupational Therapy Association (FOTA) during the 2024 Legislative Session. Our primary goal was to secure a Medicaid rate increase, and thanks to our early partnership with speech and physical therapists and the support of Senate leadership, we have achieved this milestone.

Senate President Kathleen Passidomo made health care a top priority, introducing SB 7016 – Live Healthy, which included $34 million in recurring funding for a Medicaid rate increase for OTs, PTs, and STs. After months of collaboration and negotiation, the bill was passed by both chambers and signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis.

This marks the first Medicaid rate increase for OTs in approximately 30 years, a historic moment for our profession. The legislation also includes other significant reforms to improve health care access across Florida.

For more information about this transformative legislation, click here.

 Thank you for your continued support and advocacy. Together, we are advancing the profession and ensuring better care for our communities.


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